Favourite Quote

The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say. J.R.R. Tolkien

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Olympic Uniforms

I can't believe our government voted to include seal products in the Canadian Olympic uniforms. They don't have better things to do? If they want to do something about seals then maybe they should vote to end the seal hunt. That seems like a much better use of voting time. Normally I love Canada - right now I'm not happy with it at all.

I hope the Olympic committee decides that this is a bad idea and I hope that our government finally ends the seal hunt.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Books on CD

I almost always have a book on CD playing in my car. Back when I was driving to Niagara Falls everyday I found that this really helped with the long drive. I still find it helpful for the short drives to work - there are even times when I don't want to get out of the car because I want to know what happens next.

The book I'm listening to right now is really throwing me. I think the voice actor read another book I've listened to - where she was reading as a sixteen year old. In the current book she's supposed to be a thirty year old woman, but she sounds exactly the same. So, when she's talking about having sex with the hot neighbour it really throws me. Maybe she just sounds really young.

Last week I finished listening to the latest Janet Evanovich book and I already miss Stephanie Plum. Lorelai King (sp?) is such a great voice actor. I can't wait for the next installment.


This last episode of Whedon's Dollhouse was sooo good. Even though the spoiler was out on the net months ago it still threw me.

There are still parts of the show I'm not too keen on, but for the most part I am really enjoying this show. I really hope it gets picked up for another season.

So, the rumour on the net way back at the beginning of the season was that Wash from Firefly was Alpha (the rogue doll). I forgot all about the rumour because there hadn't been much talk of Alpha since then. Part way through Friday's episode there was Wash, not acting at all like what I expected Alpha to be like so I actually thought the rumours were wrong and that Alan Tudyk was just in the show. The scenes with him and Helo (he'll always be Helo from BSG to me - Tahmoh Penikett) were awesome. I was laughing my ass off. And then.... he totally turns into Alpha. Awesome!
- end spoilers-

The episode before that was great as well. Topher being all nerdy and having fun was really good.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Eve of Destruction

Last week I downloaded a song from itunes that I hadn't heard in ages. I don't know when / why it disappeared from my ipod, but I realized that 'Eve of Destruction' by Barry McGuire was missing and went ahead and purchased it.

I love this song. It's definitely one of my all-time favourites and that goes back to probably when I was five years old. Now, when I was 5 I had no idea what the song was about, but I'm sure it was one of the ones I played over and over again - and that continues to be the case. There is just something about this song.

I loved my father's record collection. Well, I also loved my mother's but they were very different. My dad's collection consisted of all these cool albums with crazy artwork that just mesmerized me (the album for The Who's Tommy had me enthralled). I wanted to understand the stories behind the covers and would make up my own stories about what they meant. My mom's collection was mostly 45's. No artwork there - just fun songs for me to dance around the living to.

I think I may go and check out the albums tonight and take myself back to all those days I spent on the floor of the dining room (that's where the stereo was) sifting through the covers and replaying songs over and over again.