Favourite Quote

The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say. J.R.R. Tolkien

Friday, May 23, 2008

Television Craziness

I love my PVR, have I mentioned that before? When I got home from work last night (around 7pm) I noticed that the PVR was recording something. I thought that was odd because I had turned off the recording of The OC (I've watched each episode at least twice now, and that's enough). I turned on the TV to figure out what could be recording at 7pm on a Thursday night. 'So You Think You Can Dance'? Really, I thought I had turned off the recording from Much Music (because it only ever seemed to pick up the reruns of the result shows). But, no! It was the new season starting. I would have completely missed it, if it wasn't for my PVR remembering to record any episode at any time on CTV. I had almost forgot how much I love this show. I just finished watching 'Dancing with the Stars' this week and I do like it, but the dancing is not near as good as it is on SYTYCD. These are all professional dancers. Granted, the first few episodes are the auditons, so these are not all professional dancers. It still strikes me as strange how people will embarrass themselves to get on TV. If there is any chance I will be embarrassed I won't do something, so I have to give these people some kudos to be willing to take a chance. I am definitely excited about what we will get to see this season. I always end up with at least four new favourite songs after a season. I'm hoping we will also get to see some of the guys from the previous seasons. Last night already had Travis and Dominic make appearances. I'm hoping for Neil (and more Travis).

Last night was also the season finale of Grey's Anatomy. There was way too much drama for me last night. Too many people dying, or possibly dying. I could not handle it. Plus, I'm pretty sure something bad is going to happen to Derek at the beginning of next season. He said the kiss of death 'I'll be right back'. I know it normally heralds death in horror movies, but I'm pretty sure it still means bad things will happen on tv. I was happy that Meredith and Derek got back together at the end. I don't like them apart.

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