Favourite Quote

The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say. J.R.R. Tolkien

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Buffy Revisited

It seems that I have a tradition every time I'm between contracts. I'll throw on the first season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I have all seven seasons of Buffy and all five seasons of Angel on DVD and a five-disc DVD player. The DVD player makes it a little too easy to watch a season of a tv show on DVD. Most tv shows are about 6 discs long, so I can put almost the entire season in the player and not have to get off the couch for like 15 hours of TV viewing. It's crazy.

My latest contract ended about a month ago and after a nice trip to the Caribbean, I fell right back into my pattern of watching Buffy. This is probably the fourth time I've done this, but I haven't always gotten through all seven seasons. Last night I finished the last episode of the seventh season and I don't think I've watched season seven more than twice. There was a lot I seemed to have missed.

The second season remains my favourite: the season where we first see Angelus and contains my favourite episode "I Only Have Eyes For You".

I didn't dislike Buffy with Riley near as much as I have in the past and really wanted Buffy and Spike together (but, of course, for her to end up with Angel - I guess I should start reading the comic books to see if that has happened). But, I realized that everytime Angel was back for an episode the show was much better. It was just so much better when he was in the show.

While watching the seventh season I was once again reminded of how annoying the 'potentials' (the slayer wannabe's) were. It was so annoying, it had been bad enough to have two seasons of Dawn being annoying. Of course, the seventh season had Nathan Fillion and he is so great!

But, even with the annoying bits, it was still an excellent show and I miss it. The special features included an interview with Joss Whedon going over his favourite episodes and moments. Joss is amazing and now I feel the need to rewatch Firefly (and of course, Serenity) and Angel (all five seasons).

Unfortunately, I've been sick for the past week so the last three seasons of Buffy were kind of watched in a haze.


Teacher Michelle said...

Andrew gave me the Angel special edition numbered box set for Christmas so all this week we have been watching, but I can't do more than 4 episodes in a row. We finished season one last night.

I gave Andrew the entire Newsradio series which has a commentary for 80% of the episodes, so we have lots of TV time in our future.

Hope you are feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

After watching Angel, which I think was an excellent series, much better than lets say the X-Files which was left on the vine too long, it was a shame that it had to end so quickly.

Joss, I think has some issues.

I must add, Fred (Angel character) must have been cold all the time.

There should have not only been a "Faith" series but a "Lorne" series as well.