I ended up not going to the victory ceremony last night (even though I had a ticket). The first one I went to was fine and I'm glad I went, but I didn't feel the need to go again. Megan's friend was in town for the olympics and didn't have tickets to anything so I gave her my ticket so that should could experience some of the olympic fever first hand. Now, I did not realize at the time that Canada would win gold yesterday in Ski Cross and that I would miss the raising of the Canadian flag and a stadium singing our anthem. Instead I was with my brother's family and was giving my niece a bath. I guess I really am pregnant because I'm not all that upset about missing the victory ceremony.
Tomorrow is the gold medal women's game: US vs. Canada and that's what I'm really looking forward to.
Vancouver has been alot of fun, but I am looking forward to getting home and seeing my babies (apparently I did not leave them enough food - thanks Christi you are the best!!!). Of course, I'm not looking forward to going back to work. It's been really nice to have this time off and just relax.
Men's aerials was definitely a highlight this week. Excellent commentary throughout the event. The best of all the events, I'd say. It was really cold, though. After over a week of beautiful weather out here in Vancouver the temp started to drop. We were sitting on metal benches and they were chilly! We were supposed to be going to women's aerials tonight, but we'll be at the hockey game instead.
We've seen a ton of curling. I believe we've been over there 4 times and still have the bronze medal women's match to attend. My favourite part of the games has been at curling - Norway's Pants! (pics to follow)
Gotta go to the game!