Favourite Quote

The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say. J.R.R. Tolkien

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Difficult Reads

One of the blogs that I consistently read every day is 'The List Universe'. Today I read their list of the most difficult reads and was intrigued to find out who has read any of these.


I have read only one of these: 'The Sound and The Fury'. I believe I read this in university after Lisa had read / recommended it. I don't remember hating it and actually believe I liked it (but I really can't remember the story).

I know my Dad has finished War and Peace and I'm sure my friend Lisa has read a number of these (and would probably like to add Hearts of Darkness to the list - or maybe just add that to a books I hate list).

After reading the list, I have absolutely no desire to pick up any of the other books on this list. I used to think I would try 'Atlas Shrugged', but I think I'm past that and have way too many other books on my shelves to put myself through that kind of misery (at least it sounds like misery).

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Make The Itching Stop

Two weeks ago I developed a rash on my stomach, arms and hands. It then spread to my feet. It was really itchy and I decided to have an oatmeal bath - big mistake! That caused the rash to explode on my legs and back. My OB said it was hard to diagnose rashes (but it was definitely not this one specific pregnancy rash) and she thought it was a heat rash (as it did start when we had our heat wave in TO), she gave me a script for some cortisone cream and told me to take some benadryl. Unfortunately, those didn't work (well, they gave me some relief). This past Monday I made it in to see a dermatologist. She thinks it is one of the other pregnancy rashes (I don't know the names of them). She did a biopsy on my leg, but it takes two weeks for the results. Not only do I have an insanely itchy rash, I also have itchy stitches.

Regardless of what it is, the consensus seems to be that it will stay until the baby is born. That's about 7 weeks from now. I'm not sure I can handle it. I look diseased, which is really great since I go for maternity photos on Saturday (I really hope they are good at the air-brushing).

On a donor related note: I found out today that my donor is all sold out. I know there has been at least one other pregnancy reported for my donor so my baby will have at least one half-sibling out there. I definitely plan to pay to keep my other sample in storage (just in case).