Favourite Quote

The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say. J.R.R. Tolkien

Monday, August 29, 2011

Goderich After the Tornado

I headed back home this past weekend. It was an emotional visit. The town was hit really hard by the tornado and seeing it in person is much different than the pictures I've been mesmerized by all week. I spent a lot of time on the east side of town, not realizing how bad that side had been hit. What got me the most was the houses with spray-painted messages. The families were leaving their mark on their condemned houses. I can't imagine what those people are going through. Our family was so lucky to have been spared any destruction. The town is rebuilding and I have full belief that my aunts and uncles are getting the job done! Goderich might not look the same, but it will still be home.

My cousin has posted some photos of what she saw this past weekend. I didn't take any pictures of where I was in town.


Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Tall Baby

Who knows, maybe my baby will be tall :) Mom and Dad are probably quite distant in terms of geography.


A Year Old

How did this happen? Where did the time go? My baby is a year old! We had a fantastic party with friends and family and on his actual birthday we were able to celebrate with my mom group and a number of other friends (Christi's pool was prevalent in a number of these celebrations). The little man had a fabulous time, but last night he was not a happy camper. I think he sensed that today was going to be different - the dreaded return to work! I needed some sleep and he was having none of that.

I'm hoping he does well at daycare today as this morning was not looking good.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Almost 10 Months!

I can't believe I haven't posted in two months, time is just flying by. Jude is trying to walk! He needs my help and so we spend most of the day walking around the condo together. He loves chasing the cats. They are not sure what to make of this new development.

He's becoming a little comedian. He thinks he's so funny (well, I think he is too). He is such a happy little guy and I love him to pieces.

I've been able to get back to hot yoga in the last couple of weeks and it has been so great. My friend Kevin watches Jude while my friend Karen and I go and sweat it out. I'd forgotten how much I love it - well, I still can't stand downward dog.

(No photo because it's taking way too long to upload.)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Almost 8 Months!

How did this happen? How is it that my baby will be 8 months old in a couple weeks? Time is flying by. I am quite happy to be getting out for walks again. A couple of moms I met at the local library program are getting together for walks in our area. Jude loves being outside! He's growing every day and I love watching him learn. He could be crawling any day. Right now he keeps going backwards and looks at me like 'why am I not going where I want'. He loves jumping in his jolly jumper. He has soo much energy.

He's a fantastic eater (way better than mom). He's picking up his Cheerios and getting them into his mouth (he does get annoyed when they get stuck to his hands and he can't eat them). He's loving almost everything he's tried (avocado and mango still aren't favs).

He already has 8 teeth and is biting me quite often (they are sharp!). Still trying to figure out how to get him to stop the biting. I just feel so bad for him that every time he starts to get over the last tooth another one seems to be coming in.

(Jude is sporting his green for St. Paddy's Day in the above pic)

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Well, I'm attempting to stay up to watch Oscar. I had hoped to go to my friend SJ's for her (sort of) annual Oscar party, but the baby doesn't do well being away from home after 5pm. I definitely didn't want to be driving after midnight with the screaming baby.

I couldn't even find enough time to make some Oscar picks for the pool.

I know I should be trying to sleep while Jude sleeps, but I do love the Oscars. I liked the opening, mostly because Michael J. Fox was in it (oh how I loved Back to the Future).

I think Reese Witherspoon is best dressed tonight: I love the hair!

This year I only saw two of the Oscar movies: The Social Network and Toy Story 3. So, it's pretty hard to make any predictions. I really want to see Black Swan, mostly because I love Swan Lake and since I love Colin Firth I really want to see The King's Speech. Hopefully one day soon I have time to focus on movies again (but probably not).