How did this happen? How is it that my baby will be 8 months old in a couple weeks? Time is flying by. I am quite happy to be getting out for walks again. A couple of moms I met at the local library program are getting together for walks in our area. Jude loves being outside! He's growing every day and I love watching him learn. He could be crawling any day. Right now he keeps going backwards and looks at me like 'why am I not going where I want'. He loves jumping in his jolly jumper. He has soo much energy.
He's a fantastic eater (way better than mom). He's picking up his Cheerios and getting them into his mouth (he does get annoyed when they get stuck to his hands and he can't eat them). He's loving almost everything he's tried (avocado and mango still aren't favs).
He already has 8 teeth and is biting me quite often (they are sharp!). Still trying to figure out how to get him to stop the biting. I just feel so bad for him that every time he starts to get over the last tooth another one seems to be coming in.
(Jude is sporting his green for St. Paddy's Day in the above pic)