Favourite Quote

The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say. J.R.R. Tolkien

Friday, March 03, 2006

Single Girl

No more Bryan (and for those of you that were unsure - no more Ricardo, either). I'm dateless again, but used to it, so no biggy.

I've been watching the Olympics non stop and love how well the Women's Hockey team is doing.

I rented (well Zipped - zip.ca is awesome) Crash, the third movie up for best picture at the Oscars. It was really well done. Definitely makes you think, I highly recommend watching this one. It's not a happy movie and I think there was only one character I actually liked, but I think that was the point. I still want to see 'Good night and Good luck' and 'Walk the Line'. I'm really not fussy on seeing 'Munich'. Maybe this weekend.

(Okay, I'm back - I actually wrote all of that a couple of weeks ago. Probably around Valentine's Day since that is when Bryan and I broke up.)

I've seen Walk the Line now and wow, was it great. Joaquin is so damn hot. I definitely recommend this movie. In my opinion it should have been up for best picture over Capote. Philip Seymour Hoffman was amazing as Capote and the movie was good. But, I didn't think the overall movie was as good as Walk the Line.

Tonight I am off to see Good Night and Good Luck with Lisa. Then on Sunday I'll be all excited to find out who won. I will be at hockey during the beginning of the show. But, I just picked up my new PVR so I can start watching from the beginning as soon as I get home. I'm so excited.

I'm off to my friend Annie's wedding tomorrow. I'm sure she will look beautiful. And I suspect from all the planning I've heard that it will be a great reception.

Last weekend I headed to London to see my family (well part at least, Dad, Sue and Rach). And to check out their new hottub. Oh, I want one for my very own (but, will have to settle for the one at my gym). It was a really great, relaxing weekend. Lots of Olympics to watch and much sleeping on the couch!

Books for this week included Enchantment by Orson Scott Card. Everytime I read one of his books, they blow me away. If you get a chance I highly recommend this one. Especially if you have ever read any Russian Fairy Tales. Currently, I'm reading Blue Gold: The Battle Against Corporate Theft of the World's Water. This book is making me extremely depressed, but definitely opening my eyes. North Americans waste more water than any other group of people. Come on people conserve that water, it is not even close to unlimited. More on this book later, when I'm done.

So, before I sign off here are my Oscar picks:

Best Picture and Director: Brokeback Mountain
Best Actor: Phillip Seymour Hoffman
Best Actress: Reese Witherspoon
Best Supporting Actor: Jake Gyllenhal - but I don't think he will win :(
Best Supporting Actress: well, I don't really care. I only saw two of the performances and they were good, but didn't blow me away
Best Original Screenplay: Crash
Best Adapted Screenplay: Brokeback Mountain

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