Favourite Quote

The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say. J.R.R. Tolkien

Monday, April 28, 2008

Crazy Weekend

With the warm weather comes even more plans for the ever busy me. This past weekend was no exception. On Friday night after a crazy day of writing test cases at work, I had to stop by Purolator and pick up the latest Creative Memories order for my customers. (I can not believe the guy who came in after me left his car idling outside the entire time he was in there.) Home to grab something quick to eat, pack up the orders and then head over to my friend Sue's for a Creative Memories Get Together. The night was a lot of fun and I ended up getting home at 11:30pm. So much for getting to the grocery store on my way home.

Friday morning I had to be up early to get to the grocery store so I could make up a batch of soup for the scrapbooking workshop Dorie and I were hosting (well, Dorie was hosting and I was helping out since none of my customers could attend). I had the soup all made and my car all packed by 9am (about 40 mins later than I had hoped, but Dorie didn't need as much setup help as we thought). As I was driving from my place to the 401 I had to stop at a stop light. It wasn't a quick stop or anything, but the crock pot of soup overturned on the floor of the passenger seat and it all spilled out. The car smelled great but it looked like someone had thrown up all over the floor (thai coconut and sweet potato soup - very orange). I gave Dorie a call and let her know the soup was not happening. I just had to laugh or I would cry.

I got to Dorie's and the place looked great (as always). Everyone was late getting there (so I didn't feel so bad about my 40 mins of lateness). As people started to arrive I took on the duty of helping out two of Dorie's friends with the digital scrapbooking. We were able to upload some options, and I was able to get them started on the basics. They are both pretty excited about getting their trip books completed. I was working on my Vegas book from when Jason and I went to Vegas. But, I wasn't really in the mood. I did not get a lot accomplished. Around 3pm I talked to Christi and she was having issues with her digital book so I needed to get back to Mississauga to help her out. Back into my soup car!

Who knows what is happening with Christi's internet, but we could not get the digital book uploaed to CM so I took it home with me and was able to upload it from there. Can't wait to see the printed version!

By this point it was 7pm and I was supposed to be over at my friend Karen's to watch the hockey game. I finally made it over there for 7:30 and really just wanted to crawl into my bed and sleep. The game did not end as we hoped (Montreal had so many chances and just couldn't deliver). It was great to hang out with Karen and Kevin and visit with their boys, but I was falling asleep so home I went.

Up early again on Sunday morning for a day with Christi and Alex (her 2 year old) at Wonderland. We spent most of the day in the kids park. We had a lot of fun and Alex went on his first roller coaster (he did not enjoy it). It was a gorgeous day. Around 2:30 I left Christi and Alex to check out the new coaster 'Behemoth'. The line was not at all long and I was on the ride in under 20 mins. Let's just say this ride is crazy and a tad scary. I love rides. For my 18th birthday my family took me to Cedar Point to try out the tallest, fastest, steepest coaster in the world (at the time).

After the craziness of wonderland I headed into Toronto to play some tennis with Julia. It was our first day out this season so we just hit the ball around for an hour. It did not start out promising. I was all over the place, I'm hoping I will improve over the summer (I only started playing last year). By the time I got home last night I was so tired. Work was tough today!

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