Favourite Quote

The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say. J.R.R. Tolkien

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


It's rare that I get stressed at work. I've been very good at separating work and home life for the past ten years. But, I think it may have crept up on me. I have developed an eye twitch and a back problem in the past two weeks.

I had to leave work early yesterday due to the back issue and the eye is driving me crazy daily. Who knows if it is just stress from work, or stress from trying to date a guy that is completely unavailable, or the inability for my stepmother and I to get along. Who knows, but I think the work stress is higher than it has been at any other place I've worked. It's not the deadlines, it's the lack of process. But, who knows. I do know that my back hurts and I have a wonky eye.

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