Favourite Quote

The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say. J.R.R. Tolkien

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wii Fit - Finally

Last year I purchased a Wii. The reason - Wii Fit. I had read a great blog about how good this game was and I was intrigued. I asked a few people and heard that this would probably be a great gaming system for me. I've never been a big fan of video games but I was really intrigued. So, I bought the system and then tried to find Wii Fit. Well, it took a year and I finally found one. In the last year of having my Wii I've had fun with the games I do have. Star Wars Lego has been pretty frustrating - my dad laughed at me a lot when he watched me trying to figure it out. But, I now have it figured out and love it!

The Wii Fit kind of started out the same way. My friend Julia had warned me that it would probably frustrate me (as those of you who know me realize - I do not have that thing called patience). I hooked it up Friday night and listened to the game tell me how overweight I was (like I really needed a game to tell me that). But, it also told me how balanced I am. I actually keep 50.2% of my weight on my left and 49.8% on my right (pretty darn balanced considering I have a bum right knee). I decided to start with the hula hoop game and I LOVE it. Now, I love the hula hoop part, but starting out I could not figure out how to catch the hula hoops being thrown at me.

I moved on to some other games and realized that I really didn't like the soccer ball game. I kept getting hit in the head with flying shoes. Then I tried one of the strength exercises and it kept telling me to raise my left leg, which I was doing. Finally I tried my right and it worked. I got really frustrated and thought Julia was right! This game is annoying.

I voiced my frustrations to some friends and they suggested that I turn the board around as it may be backwards. I had assumed that since it was working it was pointing the right way (not realizing it would work both ways). But, that was the issue. Boy did I feel stupid.

Today was my second day on the Wii Fit and I really love the hula hoop games. I am doing great at those and now that the board is facing the right way I'm doing even better. I tried more of the yoga games today. My brother has always told me that I should try yoga, but I have always felt that I don't have the patience for it. Apparently my brother knows me very well. I am kicking butt on the yoga poses so far. I have almost perfect balance on poses I've never done before.

I'm liking my Wii Fit and hoping that I stick with it. It also tells me when I've missed a day (it asks where I was), so I hope that guilts me into doing a workout every day.

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