That's right I have gone red. While watching Buffy (yes, Rachael is still addicted), I noticed Willow's hair (Alyson Hannigan). It was so cute and Rach said I could definitely pull it off. See the pic to see if she was right. I love my new hair. I wish I had of gone red before. Rach also got her hair cut, doesn't she look good?

That night Tim and I went out dancing to show off my new 'do'. We started out at 'On the Curve'. That lasted about 5 mins. The band was so horrible, we even asked for our cover charge back. Then we headed to Crocodile Rock. I haven't been there in years and I'm so glad we went there. It didn't start out so well as the DJ was crap. He kept mixing all of these songs together so I would get all excited about a song and then it would be gone. No chance to dance to it at all. But, the music did get better and I hardly left the dance floor (I'm sure you are all surprised).
Then I saw this guy across the bar. Before the end of the night we were dancing. His name is Ricardo and he's from Portugal. He was here to visit his mother with his friend Bruno. They had been here for a week when I met them and they had one week left in their vacation. Not long enough! We hung out most of the week and I am definitely smitten. He left for home on Sunday night. Which was actually good for me as it meant I was finally able to get some sleep. Throughout the week that we hung out, the three of us were out until around 2am every night. They were on vacation, so they were able to sleep all day (which Ricardo apparently did), but I had to be up for work at 6:30 every morning. Work was difficult last week, but it was worth it. Unfortunately, they only really got to see Mississauga, a bit of Toronto and Niagra Falls. Not the most favourable impression of our beautiful country, if you ask me.

They think our country (and me specifically) is crazy. They just didn't understand our non-smoking mentality (yes, he smokes - I know, I can't believe I like someone who smokes and I'm sure none of you can either - he says it is because he's Portuguese, and he's probably right - which is exactly what Lisa said as well). They really didn't understand my whole vegetarian thing and when I mentioned that I don't drink pop, well, Bruno asked if I was from another planet. I think my father often wonders the same thing :). I don't know what it is about him. I think Rach was happy they were around because I actually allowed them to order a pizza with meat when we had dinner at my place and she had someone to smoke with! But, they had to go home.
At the end of my crazy week with the boys from Portugal, I headed to the cottage for a going away / birthday weekend for my

So, my baby brother is leaving soon. It hasn't quite hit me yet. I have already made tentative plans to head out there next August. And of course I can't wait to go snowboarding in the Rockies. How cool would that be?
Labour day weekend I went to Peterborough to hang out with Jason and Megan. We played some Bocce ball. Unfortunately, I was not paying attention and my green ball got lost in the grass. We spent about half an hour in the long grass trying to find it. Finally, Jason had to lie down and roll along around until

1 comment:
The new hair looks great!
I'm sure I mentioned it to you before but I'm not a fan of short hair on women. Makes them look too manly, but anyway.... you look great! Hope you're going to drop by fto see or helo us play baseball this weekend. Or at least help us drink a couple beer and allow us to compliment your hair.
Nice pictures too on the Blog by the way. Rob H
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