Favourite Quote

The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say. J.R.R. Tolkien

Monday, June 23, 2008

Lost My Phone

This weekend I headed up to Peterborough (again) for my cousin Candice's wedding reception. Her and Sean were married in the Dominican a couple of months ago and this was the party for those of us that couldn't (and some that could) make it down to the Caribbean.

Sean's parents hosted the reception at their gorgeous property on the lake. It was a gorgeous day and it was great to see everyone. I had a great talk with Chris' mom about my mom and her family. Unfortunately, I found out that a number of my relatives have passed away. I received confirmation that my grandfather did pass away (it's nice the my aunt and uncle let my brother and I know these things). It was also confirmed that all of my mom's aunts and uncles have passed away. I think my grandmother is still out there somewhere, but I am quite okay if I never hear from her again (horrible woman). (Just to clarify I am not talking about my Grandma Woodall who I love.)

The bouncy fun castle that I bought for my brother's wedding was put to good use for the kids (and I did make it in there again). Nicole bought it from me for her kids and they love it. I'm happy to see that it is still in working order.

The group of us took a cab out to the site. The cab driver refused to listen to directions and we were so lost and late. We took a cab back as well and I fell asleep soon after getting back to the hotel. I was woken up by the power going out in my room, but went right back to sleep.

I had to leave Peterborough relatively early to get back to the city for golf with my dad. I woke up wondering what time it was and worried that the power being out would affect the clocks. I woke up and went searching for my phone as I figured it would have the correct time. I couldn't find it, it wasn't in my purse. I turned on the TV and found a weather station that told me it was 5:30 am (and the clock in my room was correct). I went back to sleep and dreamt of my missing phone.

At 8am I was awake and trying to figure out how I could locate my phone. I called out to Sean's parent's place and they were just heading down to the tent and would take a look. I called Nicole later (but forgot to ask for the name of the cab company) and asked if my phone was by any chance in her room and for her sister's cell phone number). I tried calling her back to get the name of the cab company, but no answer. I called back to the reception site, but no one answered the phone. I needed to leave town to make my golf game, but needed to know if there had been any luck. So, I packed up the car and drove out to the site (about 30 mins out of my way). They hadn't found it. Which is fine but why couldn't someone have called me to let me know? That would have been really helpful.

I made it back to Mississauga in time to look up the directions to the golf course and to drop into Rogers to find out about getting a new phone. I couldn't call my dad as I didn't have his number (everything is in my phone). Rogers computer system went down (of course) and I had to leave to make my tee time.

I made it in time and dad and I got right onto the course. Around the 8th hole the lightning started and everyone was asked to leave the course. We were given a free pass (18 holes) due to the weather. Sweet! Dad and I went for a great meal at the Miller Tavern and I was able to get back to Mississauga before Rogers closed.

Rogers was able to give me a loaner phone and check if anyone had used my phone yet. They hadn't and I do have access to my phone number (yay). I was quite happy with the Rogers service I received yesterday.

But, now I have to buy a new phone. That's going to cost me around $300. All in all a very expensive weekend. I really wish I had of gone with my first plan - no hotel room. I wouldn't have been drinking, my car would have been at the site and my phone probably wouldn't have gotten lost.

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