After the two rounds of induction my labour finally started while I was having dinner at my sister's place with my dad. Christi (my coach and amazing friend) came over to my place around 11pm. We headed over to the hospital around 1am as Christi was worried that I was progressing. Unfortunately, that was not the case. They sent me back home. I did watch a bit of Buffy and slept for 2 min increments and had at least 4 showers (they felt so great). At 8 am we headed back to the hospital and they were able to admit me!
This meant I wouldn't have to move around anymore and could get some drugs. Before I went into labour I was not keen on an epidural. I did not want someone sticking a needle into my spine. But, I did want the morphine. Once I had the morphine I was able to sleep for a bit and that was great.
My Dad and Christi were with me at the hospital, which was great. It turned out to be a very long day and it was great to have them both there.
During my labour a number of things 'went wrong' or at least they did not go as hoped or expected. They brought in an intern to break my water (I didn't have an issue with it being an intern). She attempted it four times and Christi finally told her to stop and get the doctor. The doctor only had to do it once. Unfortunately, there was meconium which meant the baby could be in distress so the baby and I both had to be monitored. This meant no walking, no showers and no jacuzzi. I was bed ridden for the rest of my labour. They also determined that I was dehydrated (which seems so crazy considering how much water I drink) so I needed an IV. I hate IV's and giving blood (for as long as I can remember it has been difficult to find a vein and then there was that time that they nicked a nerve and my arm was messed up for a week). Well, this was just as bad. They tried a couple of times in one hand and it hurt so bad that I was crying and had to get them to take it out (my hand was bruised for a couple of days), then they tried the other hand and it hurt like hell as well. So, they had to call in an IV specialist - that finally worked.
I was hooked up to so many things on different sides of my body that I kept getting tangled whenever I moved!
I asked for more morphine but they said I couldn't have it because the baby could come within 5 hours (my baby didn't show up for another 13 hours). So, I broke down and decided to go for the epidural. Of course, I did jump during the epidural and thought I had paralyzed myself. I then went into shock or something similar and was shaking uncontrollably for about 20 mins. Five blankets later and I was asleep. Before the epidural I did try to eat some lunch, which I then proceeded to throw up. I then found out I couldn't eat with the epidural!
The rest of the day was kind of a blur, nothing much happening. I started to disbelieve anyone who gave me a timeline. We kept thinking the baby was only a few hours from being born, but no. My baby seemed to be very happy where it was.
I know there was talk of the baby being born at 7, then at 9, then at 11 and then we realized he would probably be a Sunday baby.
Around 11 or so it was finally time to push. Christi tells me I was pushing for about 3 hours, it's all a blur to me. I know I asked for a different playlist (more AC/DC less Alison Crowe). Around 1am the doctor was free again and came to check on me. They decided he was descended enough to try and pull him out. I don't know how many times she tried but my baby just wouldn't come out. So, I was quickly unhooked and wheeled into an operating room for a C-section. I'd been crying for about three hours and was just really emotional about this being my first surgery.
I had to have a top up of the epidural (the second top up) and like the times before I started shaking uncontrollably. They strapped my arms down but I broke through on one side. It was so uncomfortable. I was able to feel them move stuff around, but it didn't hurt. Finally the doctor announced that it was a boy! Unfortunately, I didn't feel like celebrating. It actually took me a few hours to be really excited about the birth of my beautiful boy, Jude.
There was some concern when they were checking Jude over, they wouldn't let Christi take pictures. We heard a cry and then nothing, Christi kept me distracted but we were both worried that something was wrong. But, then everything turned out okay.
I was still shaking uncontrollably so I couldn't hold Jude when we left the OR. The nurse carried him down to my room, Christi did get to hold him and then handed him off to my dad. Unfortunately, there are no pics of Christi holding Jude in the hospital (after all her help there really should be one). Dad and Christi stuck around for awhile while I slept. They headed home around 3am. When I woke up I was finally excited to see my new baby. They moved me into my recovery room and Jude and I went to sleep. He's so beautiful and so amazing!
My life has changed for forever.
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