Favourite Quote

The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say. J.R.R. Tolkien

Monday, July 23, 2007

The Police at the ACC

Last night Julia, Christine, Jana and I went to the ACC for the first Police concert in 25 years in Toronto (they are playing again tonight and in September). I highly recommended catching this tour if you get a chance.

We were all a little nervous that we would be disappointed in the show. You never know how a band that was so good will be after so many years (as my father and I found out when we saw The Guess Who a couple of years ago). But, there was not reason to be worried. They kicked ass. Definitely going into my top 5 concerts of all time (up there with Green Day, AC/DC at Sarstock, Bryan Adams at Molson Park, The Rolling Stones (not at Sarstock)). I was never a huge Police fan. I liked their music but I never actually owned any of their albums. That will probably change this week.

The four of us were meeting up at Union Station at 8pm. Unfortunately, Yanna didn't get the full message of where so we were getting a little worried when it was 8:20 and still no sign of her. Julia finally found her and we got into the ACC bought our beer and were just locating our seats as the lights went down and The Police took to the stage for 'Message in a Bottle'. Perfect timing!

We had rear view seats (behind the stage). We were really close to the stage and had a view of Sting's butt for the whole night. None of us were complaining about that. That man has a nice looking butt! They were also great seats because we were able to see Stewart Copeland's drum set perfectly. I think he may be my new favourite drummer. For a couple of the songs he had a second set of drums come up. Very cool.

Sting was amazing. He looked and sounded amazing (we had a huge screen in front of our seats and it pretty much showed Sting the entire time). The interesting part of the show, for me, was the interaction between the band mates. Sting looked quite happy to be there and very much into the show. Andy Summers looked annoyed with Sting most of the night. I think he finally started to smile around the middle of the show. Stewart appeared to smile once, that I remember. I thought he looked like he wanted Sting to pay attention to him more. I hope they can keep getting along because that was awesome.

Highlight for me was 'Don't Stand So Close To Me' as this is one of my favourite Police songs. Christine and I were discussing how we wanted to be standing close to him and would have liked to have had him for a teacher. I always thought he had been a math teacher, but it appears that he was an English teacher. I wonder who the math teacher I read about was?

So, in closing go see this band! They played for about 110 mins and I didn't sit down once. I screamed, I danced, I sang. It was great.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep, kick-ass show indeed!
BTW, Jana's name is spelled Jana. :-)